Why The Key To Success As A Coach Is Finding Your “Avatar”...

“Your Avatar Is The Key To A 6-Figure Coaching Business”

You know as a coach that you need to get your niche night, so you know who to talk to and who to market to as a client.

If you don’t know who your Avatar is, and what your niche is, you’re stopped.

You don’t know who you are talking to, you don’t know what to say, you don’t know what to put in a video, and you don’t know how to get clients.

Your Avatar is the key if you want to succeed as a coach.

Also what’s blocking most coaches… not coincidence… again, more important than you think.

But most coaches don’t know who their Avatar is. Even coaches who have worked with clients for YEARS are confused.

You can probably relate to this.

If you’re here, then you have educated yourself, and probably gone through entire careers learning important skills and getting experience, and are an excellent coach.

But there’s something stopping you, and it has to do with not really knowing your Avatar and niche, and how to talk to your ideal client.

And this is stopping you from getting high-paying clients, helping more people, and reaching the professional success that you want.

So what’s the solution?

The First Step Is To Find Your Avatar

Your avatar represents the combination of all fo the traits of your very best clients, combined into one image, that you can hold in your mind.

This includes key psychology, values, daily routines, fears, desires, and how they make decisions.

Once you get crystal clear on your Avatar, you can bridge to the exact positioning, messaging and offers that will be your true coaching niche. This is key to attracting high-quality clients who are perfectly aligned with your expertise and services.

In the 8-Week Future Coach: Avatar Program, you’re going to get clear on exactly your IDEAL client, so you can finally understand who you’re talking to, and who you’re trying to attract.

Once you have your Avatar, everything else becomes more natural and easy, and you can take the actions to build a 6-Figure or 7-Figure coaching business.

Why The Key Is To Attract BETTER Clients

When you work with better clients, you become a much better coach, and you can HELP your clients more.

Think about it. Have you ever worked with an amazing client, who was a high-performer, and who was successful in their own life?

Maybe you have worked with them as a coach, or consultant, or maybe you have just helped them out to achieve something.

When you work with a great client, they literally turn you into a better coach, because they challenge you, they implement, and they get RESULTS!

The “selfish” reason to attract better clients is because they make you better.

When you find your Avatar, you start enjoying your sessions, having fun, and looking forward to the calls. That’s how you KNOW that they’re your Avatar. Clients who aren’t your Avatar always feel draining and stressful.

Oh, Avatar clients can also afford to pay you a lot more as well!

Build An Affluent Client Network - An Avatar Network

At the root of why many coaches struggle is this: Most coaches are not specifically targeting affluent coaching clients - those who can afford to pay high prices for coaching.

The top coaches in the world all know that if they want to get paid well, they must work with clients who can afford to pay them what they deserve. 

Affluent clients are unique, and special. They have more options, and can afford to invest in the coaching that they want.

In the Future Coach Avatar Program, you’ll learn affluent client psychology, and specifically how to attract and retain these special clients.

Coaching financially successful clients also upgrades your mindset around money. You’re talking to people who are more comfortable with prosperity, affluence, and wealth… which influences your self-esteem around money and wealth.

Affluent Client Psychology

I have studied the psychology of affluent people (those who have a net worth over $1 million, or who earn more than $200k per year), and I have learned a few very important things about them.

First, the more affluent someone becomes, the more they rely on referrals for their products and services. This means that affluent people travel in NETWORKS.

If you want to work with more Avatar Clients, then it’s key to get into the NETWORK. The top coaches all know this.

Once you’re in the network, then everything becomes a lot easier, because you’re being referred to the clients you need to meet.

The next thing that I learned about affluent psychology is that affluent clients value two kinds of things more than other people:

1) Knowledge
2) Connections

This is why it is so important to send out a regular newsletter, social post, or other follow-up at least once a week.

In the Future Coach program, you’re going to learn the secret to sending out short, valuable newsletters that get more amazing clients to call you for coaching.

The Key: You must understand AFFLUENT PSYCHOLOGY, and how high-paying clients THINK. Then you must learn how to attract and persuade them to do business with you.

And that’s what we’ll do over the next 8 weeks, together.

Let’s Get An Avatar Client For You

On May 6th, 1954 Roger Bannister accomplished something that went down in history.

He ran a mile in under 4 minutes.

You’re probably familiar with the story of Roger Bannister and the “4-Minute Mile.”Until Bannister, no one had ever run a mile in under 4 minutes.

But there was something that wasn’t obvious: The 4 minute record stood more as a PSYCHOLOGICAL barrier than a physical barrier.

Just 46 days after Bannister did it, an Australian runner named John Landy ran a mile in under 4 minutes. Then in the next year THREE runners did it.

‍Now over 1,000 runners have beaten the 4-minute mile record, something that previously was believed to be impossible!

For most coaches, getting an Avatar Client is kind of like running the 4-minutes mile. It’s more of a psychological barrier than an actual real barrier.

It has more to do with their mindset, and how they are approaching their coaching business than anything.

Here’s the key: Once you get your first Avatar Client, everything changes.

Everything Becomes Possible!

In the Future Coach Avatar Program, we’re going to work together for 8 weeks to do JUST that: We’re going to get you an Avatar Client.

Get an Avatar Client, which opens the door to the next level of your business!

We’re making tectonic shifts in your beliefs. In the Future Coach, you’ll create new beliefs that open up new possibilities. 

Roger Bannister created a new belief about how fast humans could run. And once the new belief is created, you can never go back.

The Bottom Line: If you want to build a 6-Figure or 7-Figure coaching business, we need to FIND YOUR AVATAR. That’s the key to making it happen.

Get More Affluent Clients & Accelerate Their Success

Get It Done In 8 Weeks

In the Avatar Program, you’ll do these 8 things in 8 weeks:

Use Automated A.I. Tools To Accelerate Your Success

Most people are confused by tech and A.I., or even worse: They feel like it’s slowing them down.

We have created a simple set of tools that we’ll be using together that will definitely not slow you down!

These tools are the result of many years of studying and teaching affluent client psychology, and helping our coaches target great coaching niches.

“Future Coach not only blew me away, it propelled me weeks and months ahead in my content production.”

- Doyle Banks

“The Future Coach program has been a game-changer for me this year. It condenses weeks of work into mere hours; combining the brilliance of Eben with the unprecedented capabilities of A.I. is simply priceless!’

- Fedaa Alfaraj

“As a coach, I have already gained a great deal of insight into my clients’ pain points and desires, however in using the tools inside Future Coach I was able to get a clearer focus that has improved my messaging tenfold.”

- Carly Bonderud
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Bonuses When You Register Today

When you register for this new Future Coach Avatar class, you’ll get these bonuses.

Each of them represents years of my life studying, codifying, and then explaining how to be successful in this particular domain.

NEXUS: Build Your Affluent Client Network

The Master Key To Affluent Client Psychology

  • Discover why affluent clients are unique and different, and what they value… so you can connect with them
  • Steps to building an Affluent Client Network, so you have access to more and more clients who can afford to pay you what you want to earn as a coach
  • How to follow up with Affluent Clients, so they begin to see you as the solution to their challenges when they need you

Wake Up Productive

This is the time management formula that can help increase your productivity, decrease your distractions, and help you focus on what’s really important: getting clients and increasing revenue.

  • Master the “inner game” of productivity FIRST, so becoming productive becomes a natural by-product
  • Discover how to stop struggling to increase your energy (HINT: it involves taking MORE breaks during your work day!)
  • Create Your Affluent Client Ritual to make getting affluent clients into a habit that is AUTOMATIC

The “Psychic Marketing” A.I. Tools

12 A.I. Powered Tools to get these things "Done For You" in minutes instead of hours or days:

  • Write Your Coaching Bio for you (no more blank page!)
  • Target Your Coaching Niche and Get Rid of Guesswork
  • Clarify Your Personal Brand so you can grow with confidence
  • Create Your Dream Client Avatar and Know What Makes Them Buy
  • Identify Client's Motivating Values so you can speak directly to their heart
  • Speak in your Dream Client’s Voice and Never Sound Like A Sales Person
  • Write articles and blog posts that make your clients want to buy
  • Write your video scripts So You Can "Get Yourself Out There"
  • Write your book and course outlines faster and reach more people
  • Write your emails to customers for you so You're Always On Their Mind
  • Write your Facebook ads and scale your business into the sky!
  • Create your Unique Value Offer that Sells Itself For You

Marketing Step-By-Step

My $100m Marketing Templates: Attract more Avatar Clients with marketing

  • The Secret To “Positioning” Yourself As A Coach: Own a unique mental category in your prospects' mind, so they THINK of you FIRST when they need coaching
  • My Tested Headline & Copy Formulas: Learned and developed launching and building 10 brands and businesses to the $1 million level
  • Develop Your Million-Dollar Customer Avatar: Create a hyper-specific ideal customer profile to laser-target your marketing efforts
  • Build a "Stair-Step" Marketing System: Guide prospects from strangers to loyal customers with a proven, step-by-step conversion process
  • My "Move the Free Line" Strategy: Give away massive value to attract a stream of eager clients to your paid coaching
  • Tell Your Compelling "Origin Story": Connect emotionally with prospects by sharing your journey from struggle to success
  • Generate a Flood of Referrals: Implement a systematic approach to turn satisfied customers into a never-ending source of new business
  • Craft Conversion-Focused Copy: Write persuasive marketing messages that speak directly to your customers' deepest motivations
  • Design High-Impact Marketing Visuals: Create professional-looking marketing materials that build trust and amplify your message
  • Unlock the Psychology of Your Ideal Clients: Learn to tap into deep-seated human needs and desires for unstoppable marketing power
Learn By DOING

The best way to learn is to “learn by doing.” In the Future Coach: Avatar Program, every class is a learning experience, an exercise, and an action step.

You actually practice each step as you learn them, to commit them to memory, and make them automatic.

Each week, we’ll practice things like:

Clarifying Your Avatar: And specifically, an Affluent Avatar

Finding Your Avatar: Identifying where your avatar is

Script for your Avatar: Practicing what to say to your Avatar

Building Credibility: Writing your Avatar Stories to increase your credibility

Designing Your Client-Getting RITUAL: Create A daily ritual to attract your Avatar

...and much, much more.

Register Now!

Fast Action Bonuses

UPGRADE: The Ultimate Productivity, Creativity & Success Accelerator

Learn the secret techniques to "Train The A.I." to speak in your voice, outline and create your content, marketing, and website segments - and do more in an hour than you used to do in a week. This Live Course will teach you the formulas to leverage the true power of A.I. in your business and achieve Super Productivity with your daily tasks.

  • Use simple A.I. tools to become a much better coach: And help your clients achieve success at an accelerated pace (no tech skills required, truly - this is easy for everyone)
  • Harness AI as your personal writing assistant: Craft compelling emails, posts, and copy that convert – without writer's block
  • Unleash the full power of your personal brand: Leverage AI to build a magnetic online presence that attracts high-paying clients
  • Discover the "You I Do Why" Power Prompting Model: A foolproof formula that you can use instantly to get much better results from A.I. tools (and skyrocket your productivity)
  • Transform AI into your 24/7 creative partner: Generate mind-blowing ideas for content, products, and strategies on demand
  • Uncover the "Styling Layers" technique: Customize AI outputs with your unique style and voice
  • Future-proof your career: Develop the adaptive superpowers needed to thrive in the AI-driven world of tomorrow

A.I. Accelerator Pack Infographics

Accelerate Your Productivity, Creativity & Success Using Our Advanced Infographic Prompt Pack.

  • “AI Productivity & Personal Growth Prompt Pack” - 15 prompts to instantly boost productivity
  • “AI Marketing & Writing Accelerator Pack” - 15 prompts to increase the speed, quality & volume of your content creation
  • “AI Accelerated Learning & Decision Pack” - 17 prompts to double your learning speed
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Here's Everything You Get When You Register Today...

8-Week Future Coach Avatar Program
NEXUS: Your Affluent Client Network
Wake Up Productive
12 “Psychic Marketing” A.I. Tools To Get Clients
Marketing Step-By-Step
UPGRADE: The Ultimate Productivity, Creativity & Success Accelerator
A.I. Acelerator Pack Infographic
Total REAL Value
But, today you won't pay $7,482...
Or even half that at $3,991...
When you join now, you get everything for just
One Payment of $1,997
(Or just 6 monthly payments of $497)
Register Now!
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DOUBLE Your Investment. Guaranteed.

Avatar Double-Profit Guarantee
We want you to be satisfied with your investment, and we want you to be successful! That's why I'm offering the Avatar Double-Profit Guarantee.

Take the entire Future Coach Avatar Program, and use these tools to find your Avatar and build your business.

If you don’t double your investment, you can ask for a full refund. And you have up to a full year to request your money back if unsatisfied.

The only condition is that you must attend your trainings, use the tools, and implement what you learn - and submit your homework to show that you tried.

Real Reviews and Feedback

“Future Coach not only blew me away, it propelled me weeks and months ahead in my content production.”

- Doyle Banks

“The Future Coach program has been a game-changer for me this year. It condenses weeks of work into mere hours; combining the brilliance of Eben with the unprecedented capabilities of A.I. is simply priceless!’

- Fedaa Alfaraj

“As a coach, I have already gained a great deal of insight into my clients’ pain points and desires, however in using the tools inside Future Coach I was able to get a clearer focus that has improved my messaging tenfold.”

- Carly Bonderud

“I learned and created in real time all the key pieces of marketing content for my coaching business...”

- Diane Wythe

“Eben brings once more his vision , mastery and practicality in the Future Coach,  showing how AI can support and accelerate the value we can bring in this world.”

- Ioana Turturica

“The course was especially valuable in that it tied in the notion of coaching with technology, which will make me more productive and more effective as a coach.”

- John Trakselis

“I’ve been blown away by what these tools and training are capable of, getting me enthused on continuing on my entrepreneurial journey, it’s a real game changer! I would recommend anyone who wants to adopt AI to use it to enhance their coaching practices and business to sign up for Eben’s Future Coach program – you’ll be happy you did!”

- Patrice Porter

“The program was fantastic, and [Eben's] assistant teachers/coaches were incredible.

I think my very favorite part of the program were the interactive ‘tools’ Eben’s technical team developed to integrate with Openai.com.  I know I will be using those tools in many, many ways to help write my marketing, bios, books, and even help develop future programs.”

- Sandy Anastasi

“Just wanted to share my incredible experience with Eben Pagan's "Future Coach" course. It was a game-changer, completely transforming how I think about coaching in this tech-driven world.

Eben's got a knack for making complex stuff like AI and ChatGPT feel totally doable. He walks you through every step, making sure you're comfortable and ready to bring these tools into your own practice. It's boosted my work big time and my clients are seeing real benefits, too.”

- Sharareh Bassiri
Join Future Coach Avatar TODAY for just
One Payment of $1,997
(Or just 6 monthly payments of $497)
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Q. Will I have direct access to the instructor during this live program?
Yes, you will be able to interact with the instructor directly during the live sessions, so you can clarify your doubts in real-time and gain immediate insights.

Q. How many hours per week will I need to dedicate to this program?
A. We recommend setting aside 2-3 hours per week for this program. This includes time for live sessions, assignments, and practice, ensuring a thorough understanding of the concepts, however you have the benefit of being able to go at your own pace, making your experience as comfortable for you as possible.

Q. Are there specific days and times for the live sessions or can I access them at my convenience?
A. The live sessions are scheduled for specific days and times, which will be shared with you before the program begins. However, all sessions will be recorded and available for you to access at your convenience, so you won't miss out on any essential learning.

Q. What if I miss a live session? Will I be able to catch up?
A. Absolutely. All live sessions will be recorded, so you can catch up on your own time and maintain your preferred pace with the program.

Q. Will I receive any additional materials or resources along with the live sessions?
A. Yes, you will have access to various resources, including training materials, assignments, and practical tools, to help you apply the knowledge you gain in real-world scenarios.

Q. Can I still access and use the tools after the program has ended?
A. Yes, you will be able to use and access the lesson, coaching, community and tools for at least the 1 year. Technology is changing rapidly and we are always updating/changing things to keep up with the latest tech.

Q. How long will I have access to the recorded videos and the community after the course?
A. You will have access for at least 1 year to the recorded videos and the community after the course, providing you a platform for continuous learning and interaction.

Q. Will I be able to interact with other participants in the program?
A. Yes, you'll have the opportunity to interact with fellow participants, allowing you to learn from diverse experiences and perspectives. Plus you'll likely make some new friends!

Q. Is there a system in place for me to track my progress throughout the program?
A. Yes, there will be regular assignments and feedback sessions throughout the program to help you track your progress and understand areas of improvement.

What Some Of Our Other Students Are Saying...

“They offer a safe environment for you reinvent yourself and help you get your message out. There is a team of expert leaders that address your mind, spirit and your insecurities. They take you down a path that will transform your life, thoughts and behaviors which will take you from being isolated with no voice and no clients and no direction to a vibrant professional who has direction, clients and the ability to deliver a message that has been inside of you.”

- Lisa Lowe

“This is an amazing program that will take you from 0 to 100 in no time by giving you all the tools, prompts and ideas to work on your client avatar, niche, branding, offer, course creation and more in such an easy and practical way using AI. Eben is an extraordinary Coach who delivers a lot of value and helps you make the difficult things easy so you can get into action.”

- Cristina Vega

“Eben and his team demystify the AI phenomenon and then gives you the training and proprietary tools that you need to take full advantage of this technology that can literally increase your productivity 100-fold. The program includes over 40 hours of expert instruction, plus the tools!”

- Dave Iuppa

“I had the fabulous opportunity to attend Eben Pagan's Future Coach program, and I can confidently say it has been a game-changer for my coaching career.”

- Juan Aguilera

“I gained an understanding of how I could easily create a course and brand myself much more easily than I had imagined.”

- Joe Mitchell

“I just finished a one month intensive with him on using AI and the deliverables were spectacular. And so easy!! I’m glad Eben has been one of my best mentors for years.”

- Kathleen Murphy

“This course is a game changer for anyone that is serious about taking themselves and their business to the next level.”

- Alexia Clonda

“Their teachers are the best.”

- Mary Wolken

“I highly recommend it. Eben and his team are amazing!”

- Pascale Gibon
Join Future Coach Avatar TODAY for just
One Payment of $1,997
(Or just 6 monthly payments of $497)
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