The #1 A.I. Training Program For Coaches, Consultants & Teachers


Multiply Your Message: UPGRADE A.I. Certification

UPGRADE: The Ultimate Productivity, Creativity & Success Accelerator

Learn the secret techniques to "Train The A.I." to speak in your voice, outline and create your content, marketing, and website segments - and do more in an hour than you used to do in a week. This Live Course will teach you the formulas to leverage the true power of A.I. in your business and achieve Super Productivity with your daily tasks.

  • "Say Goodbye to Tedious Tasks" - Imagine a day where you’re no longer swamped with tedious business tasks. With our guidance, you'll master the art of assigning these to an A.I., freeing up hours every week, that can be better spent on strategic business decisions.
  • "Boost Your Business Productivity Exponentially" - Get ahead of your competitors by tapping into the power of A.I. This Live Course will equip you with the knowledge to automate not just content, but marketing strategies and web design, thereby increasing your business productivity by leaps and bounds.
  • "Expand Your Reach Beyond Limits" - Break free from the constraints of time and location. With our A.I. strategies, you can virtually coach clients around the globe, 24/7, multiplying your impact and your income.
  • "Work Smarter, Not Harder" - Say goodbye to manual scheduling, record-keeping, and follow-ups. Let A.I. handle these time-consuming tasks, so you can focus on what you love doing the most - changing lives through your coaching.

200 Personal & Business Growth Prompts

This is a powerful toolkit designed to elevate your personal and professional life. Crafted with precision, this collection includes 100 advanced personal prompts and 100 advanced business prompts, ready for immediate use. Simply fill in the blanks and watch your growth accelerate.

  • Instant Implementation: Ready-to-use prompts that save you time and effort.
  • Advanced Techniques: Crafted for deep insights and transformative results.
  • Versatile Applications: Perfect for personal development, coaching sessions, and business strategies.
  • Boost Productivity: Enhance your decision-making, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

A.I. Accelerator Pack Infographics

Accelerate Your Productivity, Creativity & Success Using Our Advanced Infographic Prompt Pack.

  • “AI Productivity & Personal Growth Prompt Pack” - 15 prompts to instantly boost productivity
  • “AI Marketing & Writing Accelerator Pack” - 15 prompts to increase the speed, quality & volume of your content creation
  • “AI Accelerated Learning & Decision Pack” - 17 prompts to double your learning speed

Get More Clients & Accelerate Their Success: Future Coach

12 “Psychic Marketing” A.I. Tools

Get 12 A.I. Powered Tools to get these things "Done For You" in minutes instead of hours or days:

  • Write Your Coaching Bio for you (no more blank page!)
  • Target Your Coaching Niche and Get Rid of Guesswork
  • Clarify Your Personal Brand so you can grow with confidence
  • Create Your Dream Client Avatar and Know What Makes Them Buy
  • Identify Client's Motivating Values so you can speak directly to their heart
  • Speak in your Dream Client’s Voice and Never Sound Like A Sales Person
  • Write articles and blog posts that make your clients want to buy
  • Write your video scripts So You Can "Get Yourself Out There"
  • Write your book and course outlines faster and reach more people
  • Write your emails to customers for you so You're Always On Their Mind
  • Write your Facebook ads and scale your business into the sky!
  • Create your Unique Value Offer that Sells Itself For You

8-Week Future Coach Program

The Future Coach Is The Most Complete Coaching & Business Training Program in the world we want you to have the best training around. Build your Confidence. Build your Credibility. Get More Clients, Guaranteed.

  • You’ve invested time and energy to learn your skills and now it’s time to build a truly GREAT coaching business and help thousands more clients a year while working from home
  • Learn the exact steps that anyone must follow to be a successful professional coach, how to know if you are doing a good job, the 4 secrets to communicating well, and how the biggest coaches build deep empathic connections with their highest paying clients
  • The insider's look at the real work you must do to get clients and grow your coaching business, avoid getting pulled away to do things that distract you, and break through the challenges that keep you from going BIG with your message
  • Get trained, qualified, and certified while you practice working with more and more clients - Use this Grow-As-You-Go method

12 Coaching A.I. Power Tools

Transform Your Clients + Create More Value Every Time. Use these incredible tools with your clients to provide them with an unparalleled coaching experience. Give your clients the royal treatment without adding hours of work to your schedule to do it. Get happier higher paying clients, fans and students that recommend you to their friends when you use these transformative A.I. tools in the background...

  • Turn Fear Of Failure Into Action - To empower your clients to embrace risks and seize opportunities.
  • Reframe & Remove Limiting Beliefs - Which will help them break free from self-imposed constraints and unlock their potential.
  • Overcome Imposter Syndrome - To help your clients recognize their worth and stand tall in their achievements.
  • Make Rejection Into Resilience - Which will help them bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward.
  • From Over-Thinking To "Just Do It" - To enable your clients to conquer their analysis paralysis and take decisive actions.
  • Silence Negative Self-Talk - Which will help them foster a positive mindset and boost their overall well-being.
  • Turn Low Self-Esteem Into Confidence - To give your clients the assertiveness they need to strive for their goals.
  • Transform Self-Defeating Habits - Which will help them create healthier routines that contribute to their success.
  • Procrastination Into Action - To inspire your clients to seize the day and make the most of every opportunity.
  • Activating Self-Discipline - Which will help them stay focused and committed to their personal and professional growth.
  • Lack Of Motivation Into Inspiration - To ignite their passion and drive, leading them to pursue their goals with renewed vigor.
  • Turn Perfectionism Into Progress - Which will help them recognize the value in steady improvement over unattainable perfection.

“Future Coach not only blew me away, it propelled me weeks and months ahead in my content production.”

- Doyle Banks

“The Future Coach program has been a game-changer for me this year. It condenses weeks of work into mere hours; combining the brilliance of Eben with the unprecedented capabilities of A.I. is simply priceless!’

- Fedaa Alfaraj

“As a coach, I have already gained a great deal of insight into my clients’ pain points and desires, however in using the tools inside Future Coach I was able to get a clearer focus that has improved my messaging tenfold.”

- Carly Bonderud

Affluent Client Bonus Pack: NEXUS + $100m Marketing Templates

NEXUS: Your Affluent Client Network

Introducing NEXUS: Your blueprint to building a network of affluent clients. If it's satisfaction you seek, coach everyone. But if it's financial success you're after, you need to focus on coaching the prosperous. Over 50 million millionaires are out there, waiting to be discovered.

  • Learn how to connect with and sell to the 'Millionaire Next Door'. With women making over 80% of all purchasing decisions and their wealth and power on the rise, mastering the art of coaching women is a necessity.
  • "Master the Art of Selling to the Affluent" - Learn the secret sales techniques that resonate with the wealthy, enabling you to effectively showcase the value of your coaching in a way that compels them to invest.
  • "Support the Rising Power of Women" - Equip yourself with the skills to effectively coach women, tapping into a market where 80% of all purchases are made, leading to an exponential growth in your coaching business.

My $100 Million Marketing Templates

Don't "reinvent the wheel" with your marketing! We have spent Millions of Dollars over the past 2 decades to craft the Exact Templates that work best for coaches. We have used these same formulas for years and now you can use them too.

This is the one of the most valuable tools we've ever created and using them to create your web pages ensures that they are done RIGHT each time using our best proven strategies for one purpose: Getting Great Clients!

  • My collection of fill-in-the-blank headline formulas to interesting articles and emails
  • Quickly identify what's motivating your ideal client so that they want to work with YOU
  • 19 templates and models, with worksheets and lessons, that we used to grow your company from zero to over $100 Million in sales using the same tools we do...

Self-Made WEALTH: Master Making Money

Self-Made WEALTH is a revolutionary program designed to reset your financial blueprint and put you on the path to true prosperity. We've been wired with unproductive beliefs and practices about money that hold us back from achieving genuine wealth. This program doesn't just focus on money as a measure of wealth, but delves deeper into the principles, strategies, and mindset that the world's wealthiest people use to create and sustain their affluence.

  • "Redefine Your Financial Future" - Uncover the closely-guarded investment principles used by the world's wealthiest individuals, enabling you to make savvy, strategic decisions that will compound your wealth over time.
  • "Take Control of Your Financial Destiny" - With the two 'Mental Money Maps', regain control over your financial success, replacing destructive emotions and victim mentality with a wealth-creating mindset.
  • "Unlock Hidden Wealth Potential" - Discover reasons you might be unknowingly sabotaging your wealth accumulation and learn 8 innovative ways to create high-value products and services that will catapult you towards wealth creation.

A.I. Certification + Coaching Certification3 Fast Action Bonuses

Unlock your potential with our transformative certification programs, UPGRADE and Future Coach. Designed for coaches, consultants & teachers, these certifications will empower you to master the art of prompting and harness A.I. to supercharge your coaching business. Join a community of innovators and elevate your skills to the next level.
  • The UPGRADE Certification: Become a Certified A.I. Prompting Expert - Master AI tools and techniques to drive impactful results, engage in practical exercises and real-world scenarios to hone your AI skills, and gain access to a library of AI tools and templates to streamline your processes.
  • The FUTURE COACH Certification: Become a Certified AI-Powered Coach - Discover how to integrate AI tools to enhance your coaching sessions and client outcomes, learn how to scale your coaching business using AI-driven insights and automation, and stay ahead of the curve with cutting-edge methods and practices in AI coaching.

“I’ve been blown away by what these tools and training are capable of, getting me enthused on continuing on my entrepreneurial journey, it’s a real game changer! I would recommend anyone who wants to adopt AI to use it to enhance their coaching practices and business to sign up for Eben’s Future Coach program – you’ll be happy you did!”

- Patrice Porter

“The program was fantastic, and [Eben's] assistant teachers/coaches were incredible.

I think my very favorite part of the program were the interactive ‘tools’ Eben’s technical team developed to integrate with  I know I will be using those tools in many, many ways to help write my marketing, bios, books, and even help develop future programs.”

- Sandy Anastasi

“Just wanted to share my incredible experience with Eben Pagan's "Future Coach" course. It was a game-changer, completely transforming how I think about coaching in this tech-driven world.

Eben's got a knack for making complex stuff like AI and ChatGPT feel totally doable. He walks you through every step, making sure you're comfortable and ready to bring these tools into your own practice. It's boosted my work big time and my clients are seeing real benefits, too.”

- Sharareh Bassiri

Here's Everything You Get When You Register Today...

UPGRADE: The Ultimate Productivity, Creativity & Success Accelerator
200 Personal & Business Growth Prompts
A.I. Acelerator Pack Infographic
12 “Psychic Marketing” A.I. Tools To Get Clients
8-Week Future Coach Training & Certification Program
12 Coaching A.I. Power Tools
NEXUS: Your Affluent Client Network
$100 Million Marketing Templates
Self-Made WEALTH
Total REAL Value
But, today you won't pay $10,179...
Or even half that at $5,090...
When you join now, you get everything for just
One Payment of $1,497
(Or just 6 monthly payments of $297)
Pick a Plan
This is a convincing piece of copy to describe and sell your product. Please select a plan to continue.
Future Coach Standard
Feature one
Benefit two
Feature three
Benefit four
Feature five
Benefit six
Only $997
Or 4 payments of $297
Choose Payment Option
Future Coach Pro
Feature one
Benefit two
Feature three
Benefit four
Feature five
Benefit six
Only $2,497
Or 4 payments of $697
Choose Payment Option

Make Back 100% Of Your Investment, Guaranteed

At this very moment, you stand at a crossroads. There are two paths ahead of you, and the choice is yours.
Option 1: You take a leap of faith. You click that button, seize this once-in-a-lifetime offer, and embark on a transformational journey that holds the potential to revolutionize your coaching business. You learn to harness the power of A.I., tap into the affluent client market, and create high-value online courses that both captivates and sells. The rewards are enticing - greater reach, higher profits, and unparalleled growth.

Option 2: You close this tab and walk away from this opportunity. But remember, I'm making this offer only for those who can spot the right path and can take action because these are the same people who will apply these techniques and see REAL RESULTS in their business and life. And just like in business and in life, if you hesitate too long, with every passing moment, the chance of regret grows. The potential breakthroughs, the success that could have been yours, the transformation you could have experienced - all vanish.

To make this decision easier for you, we're willing to shoulder all the risk.
This is why we're offering you a 100% Profit Guarantee
If you you come for the classes, apply the techniques and you don't make back ALL of your investment after following these simple proven techniques, you're entitled to 100% your investment back. And you have an entire year to take me up on that (I really will honor it, too!

You literally CAN'T LOSE and that's how great investments look. The only risk you take is if you fail to join now while it's being offered. Strike while the iron is hot and today it's RED HOT!

And so it's time. Click the Join Future Coach Now button. Seize this opportunity. Even if you've tried a lot of things before and nothing worked -and I know exactly how that feels... this will work for you.

And it will work especially if you're skeptical of big promises! Believe it or not it's the skeptics that often times get the most out of the chances they take.

Why now, you may ask? Because every moment passing by is an opportunity lost. In this rapidly changing world, you can't afford to stand still. Every second you spend mulling over the decision, your competitors are leaping ahead, embracing the power of A.I., and creating a profound impact on their coaching business. The time to act is now.

As for why you should trust me? Well, let's just say I've walked miles in your shoes. I've been where you are right now - at the brink of a major decision, wondering if it's worth taking the leap. And let me tell you, it is. Because I've not only survived the other side, but I've thrived, and I've come back to guide you across.

Where do you want to be? Imagine a place where your coaching business is soaring, reaching new heights every day, a place where you have an abundance of time to focus on what truly matters - changing lives. That's where you want to be, right? And that's precisely where I can help you go.

But what's holding you back? It's the broken system - the outdated methods, the inefficient practices, the lack of technological leverage. That is what's been preventing you from fulfilling your true potential.

What you need is a complete overhaul. You need efficient systems and cutting-edge technology, like A.I, to automate your tedious tasks. You need expert guidance to tap into the affluent market and strategies to create compelling courses.

And the priority? It's urgent. The world isn't going to wait for you to catch up. Your dreams, your ambitions, they deserve to be fulfilled. So, let's not delay it anymore. Let's start your transformation today.

Real Reviews and Feedback

“Future Coach not only blew me away, it propelled me weeks and months ahead in my content production.”

- Doyle Banks

“The Future Coach program has been a game-changer for me this year. It condenses weeks of work into mere hours; combining the brilliance of Eben with the unprecedented capabilities of A.I. is simply priceless!’

- Fedaa Alfaraj

“As a coach, I have already gained a great deal of insight into my clients’ pain points and desires, however in using the tools inside Future Coach I was able to get a clearer focus that has improved my messaging tenfold.”

- Carly Bonderud

“I learned and created in real time all the key pieces of marketing content for my coaching business...”

- Diane Wythe

“Eben brings once more his vision , mastery and practicality in the Future Coach,  showing how AI can support and accelerate the value we can bring in this world.”

- Ioana Turturica

“The course was especially valuable in that it tied in the notion of coaching with technology, which will make me more productive and more effective as a coach.”

- John Trakselis

“I’ve been blown away by what these tools and training are capable of, getting me enthused on continuing on my entrepreneurial journey, it’s a real game changer! I would recommend anyone who wants to adopt AI to use it to enhance their coaching practices and business to sign up for Eben’s Future Coach program – you’ll be happy you did!”

- Patrice Porter

“The program was fantastic, and [Eben's] assistant teachers/coaches were incredible.

I think my very favorite part of the program were the interactive ‘tools’ Eben’s technical team developed to integrate with  I know I will be using those tools in many, many ways to help write my marketing, bios, books, and even help develop future programs.”

- Sandy Anastasi

“Just wanted to share my incredible experience with Eben Pagan's "Future Coach" course. It was a game-changer, completely transforming how I think about coaching in this tech-driven world.

Eben's got a knack for making complex stuff like AI and ChatGPT feel totally doable. He walks you through every step, making sure you're comfortable and ready to bring these tools into your own practice. It's boosted my work big time and my clients are seeing real benefits, too.”

- Sharareh Bassiri
Join UPGRADE + Future Coach TODAY for just
One Payment of $1,497
(Or just 6 monthly payments of $297)


Q. Will I have direct access to the instructor during this live program?
Yes, you will be able to interact with the instructor directly during the live sessions, so you can clarify your doubts in real-time and gain immediate insights.

Q. How many hours per week will I need to dedicate to this program?
A. We recommend setting aside 2-3 hours per week for this program. This includes time for live sessions, assignments, and practice, ensuring a thorough understanding of the concepts, however you have the benefit of being able to go at your own pace, making your experience as comfortable for you as possible.

Q. Are there specific days and times for the live sessions or can I access them at my convenience?
A. The live sessions are scheduled for specific days and times, which will be shared with you before the program begins. However, all sessions will be recorded and available for you to access at your convenience, so you won't miss out on any essential learning.

Q. What if I miss a live session? Will I be able to catch up?
A. Absolutely. All live sessions will be recorded, so you can catch up on your own time and maintain your preferred pace with the program.

Q. Will I receive any additional materials or resources along with the live sessions?
A. Yes, you will have access to various resources, including training materials, assignments, and practical tools, to help you apply the knowledge you gain in real-world scenarios.

Q. Can I still access and use the tools after the program has ended?
A. Yes, you will be able to use and access the lesson, coaching, community and tools for at least the 1 year. Technology is changing rapidly and we are always updating/changing things to keep up with the latest tech.

Q. How long will I have access to the recorded videos and the community after the course?
A. You will have access for at least 1 year to the recorded videos and the community after the course, providing you a platform for continuous learning and interaction.

Q. Will I be able to interact with other participants in the program?
A. Yes, you'll have the opportunity to interact with fellow participants, allowing you to learn from diverse experiences and perspectives. Plus you'll likely make some new friends!

Q. Is there a system in place for me to track my progress throughout the program?
A. Yes, there will be regular assignments and feedback sessions throughout the program to help you track your progress and understand areas of improvement.

Join UPGRADE + Future Coach TODAY for just
One Payment of $1,497
(Or just 6 monthly payments of $297)
What Some Of Our Other Students Are Saying...

“They offer a safe environment for you reinvent yourself and help you get your message out. There is a team of expert leaders that address your mind, spirit and your insecurities. They take you down a path that will transform your life, thoughts and behaviors which will take you from being isolated with no voice and no clients and no direction to a vibrant professional who has direction, clients and the ability to deliver a message that has been inside of you.”

- Lisa Lowe

“This is an amazing program that will take you from 0 to 100 in no time by giving you all the tools, prompts and ideas to work on your client avatar, niche, branding, offer, course creation and more in such an easy and practical way using AI. Eben is an extraordinary Coach who delivers a lot of value and helps you make the difficult things easy so you can get into action.”

- Cristina Vega

“Eben and his team demystify the AI phenomenon and then gives you the training and proprietary tools that you need to take full advantage of this technology that can literally increase your productivity 100-fold. The program includes over 40 hours of expert instruction, plus the tools!”

- Dave Iuppa

“I had the fabulous opportunity to attend Eben Pagan's Future Coach program, and I can confidently say it has been a game-changer for my coaching career.”

- Juan Aguilera

“I gained an understanding of how I could easily create a course and brand myself much more easily than I had imagined.”

- Joe Mitchell

“I just finished a one month intensive with him on using AI and the deliverables were spectacular. And so easy!! I’m glad Eben has been one of my best mentors for years.”

- Kathleen Murphy

“This course is a game changer for anyone that is serious about taking themselves and their business to the next level.”

- Alexia Clonda

“Their teachers are the best.”

- Mary Wolken

“I highly recommend it. Eben and his team are amazing!”

- Pascale Gibon
Remember, with your purchase today, you're fully protected by our 100% Profit Guarantee.

If you don't make 100% of your money back after implementing these techniques compared to your old methods, you can ask for a full refund. Just show that you've attended all your trainings, used the tools, implemented what you've learned - and submitted your homework to show that you tried.

We're confident that you'll make at least 100% of your investment today with using this system starting today. Moreover, we give you an entire year to decide. That's right, with our 1-year guarantee, you have plenty of time to see the results for yourself.

So, buy with confidence, rest easy, knowing your investment is not only safe but set to multiply. Take advantage of our guarantee and place your order now!

Privacy Policy  |  Terms & Conditions   |   Contact Us

Go Meta Media LLC is a coaching and marketing education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, businesses and individuals can be better prepared to make marketing and business decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our services. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited.

Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical business activity will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner.

Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. Results show that most clients who actively participate with Go Meta Media have a greater chance of success than those who are not cooperative and involved. You should not, however, equate completed sales closing transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply the strategies taught or what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them.

The Company may link to content or refer to content and/or services created by or provided by third parties that are not affiliated with the Company. The Company is not responsible for such content and does not endorse or approve it. The Company may provide services by or refer you to third-party businesses. Some of these businesses have common interest and ownership with the Company.